Thursday, May 21, 2020

Effective Management in Medi-Call Firm Free Essay Example, 1750 words

The high number of clients can increase the lack of necessity of equipment such as beds are inadequate as patients experience force, facilitating them to sleep in pairs. It is evident that Medi-Call systems need to have all sort of management go back to the drawing board and strategies on new ways forward. This is in terms of operation management and its performance. As per present-day standings, Medi-Call systems is at its best of performance, though the fact is that, there lies a great opportunity for better performance. The elderly need peace of mind as they require attention to meditate and their eardrums may be weak which can cause harm to them and cause impartibility. The elderly need ease to access medical facility as the elderly are prone to diseases which might distort their way of living and inconvenience the way they leave they might need total care and support (Faherty, 2009, 102). This refers to the elderly, who are the direct beneficiaries of the firm s services. Close ly follows the elderly family and friends, inclusive of all direct relatives too. With the firms' operation and service rendering to the community, in terms of catering for their age, facilitating their daily lives positively (Lovelock, 2012, 297). Buildings used for homes of the elderly they should not be in a storey form as most of the elderly got difficulty in walking this would reduce the mobility of the elderly patients forcing them to seek support from nurses slowing activities in the institution. We will write a custom essay sample on Effective Management in Medi-Call Firm or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page

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